Supplying valves suitable for general process applications can include numerous critical factors. These include steam, high temperatures and abrasive media. Materials need to be carefully considered in all these applications for example, valves with soft seats and seals have temperature limitations. We offer a range of Metal seated ball valves without O-Rings or soft parts which greatly extends the temperature capability.
Pekos offer chrome carbide coated balls and seats of which we hold stocks. Starline produces a dedicated metal seated valve with energised seats and we also offer high performance butterfly valves from Zwick, our partners from Germany.
Abrasive duties can lead to damage to soft seat components and ultimately the ball sealing area. Valves from Starline and Pekos can be supplied with hard coating protection to ball and seats, whilst still using efficient O-Ring sealing. These are a good compromise and provide a competitive solution where abrasive media may be present.
Steam applications can be challenging and require serious consideration. We have developed the use of carbon / graphite reinforced seats for saturated steam applications and maintain significant stocks including weld end / threaded and flanged ANSI and DIN combinations. We also find that in certain applications positive cavity relief helps to prevent valve lock up.
We have valves on the shelf already prepared for all these applications.